I'm terribly sorry for the long gap between this blog post and the last one. I'm afraid the twenty or so people who actually read this blog might have gotten the perception that we'd stopped our work on Parachute Kids, and shelved it for good.
Which is totally not true.
We've been working our asses off.
We've drastically recut the entire film, which basically means we watched the film several times until we found out what worked, and what didn't, and then proceeded to fix it. Entire scenes have ended up on the cutting room floor, and we've restructured the film so it hopefully flows better. We've also added title cards that we actually shot, but I won't say too more on that (not to over hype it, or anything. They're just title cards). According to our producer, the music should be done sometime this month, maybe sometime in the next two weeks. And once we get the music in, we should have a drastically different cut worlds away from the one some of you viewed a couple months ago.
Our hope is that this cut will be loads better. Once again, not to over hype that as well, but we are crossing our fingers.
That's all for the moment. I'll be writing another post next week or so to provide an update on the music, and other little things that may have popped up.
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